
comScore Confirms 36% Jump in Microsoft Search Volume

Newly released online search figures from comScore’s qSearch analysis of activity across competitive search engines confirm a sharp increase in Microsoft’s share of search volume - up 36% from the previous month. Last week, Compete had released data showing a surge in search market share for Microsoft’s Live Search.

Compete pointed (as does comScore) to the Live Search Club, which Microsoft launched in late May to engage and reward users of Live Search.

As a result of that 36% increase in Microsoft search queries, which totaled 1.1 billion in June, search share for Microsoft sites increased 2.9 percentage points, accounting for 13.2% of all US search queries conducted in June, according to comScore data.

Nevertheless, Google sites maintained search dominance, claiming the top spot in the rankings with 49.5% of the US search market, comScore said.


Also according to comScore:

  • Yahoo sites captured second place with 25.1% of US searches, followed by Microsoft sites (13.2%), Ask Network (5.0%) and Time Warner Network (4.2%).
  • Google sites led the pack with 4.0 billion search queries performed, followed by Yahoo sites (2.0 billion), Microsoft sites (1.1 billion), Ask Network (403 million), and Time Warner Network (341 million).
  • Despite declining in search market share in June, both Google sites and Yahoo sites had increases in search query volume.
  • In all, Americans conducted 8.0 billion searches online in June, up 6% from May and up 26% from June 2006.

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